Staffordshire Community transport 

County advice overview

There are several community transport schemes in Staffordshire which help to connect residents without access to conventional transport and from isolated rural locations, to surrounding areas. These include Dial-a-Ride minibuses and schemes run by volunteer drivers. 

Dial-a-Ride and Call and Go schemes provide a bookable service for people who have problems accessing public transport. For example, if you live too far from a bus stop, find it difficult getting on and off public buses, or there is no bus service nearby.

You do not need to be registered disabled or use a wheelchair to be eligible but must register for the service.

Key tips

It is important to plan your use of community transport in advance. Services are often run by volunteers and pre-booking is essential. You may wish to consider:

  • Community transport providers are often in high demand, so it is best to book your journey several days in advance if you can.
  • You may need to register with the service in advance of your first booking and a membership fee sometimes applies in addition to travel costs.
  • At the time of booking, inform the provider of any mobility and accessibility needs you may have and which equipment you intend to travel with. 
  • Some operators offer a discount or are even free with a valid bus pass, so it is worth obtaining one, if you are eligible, even if you never catch a regular bus.
  • Not all Dial-a-Ride schemes can take you to hospital appointments or day care centres. These appointments can be arranged by your doctor, the hospital, social services, or you may be able to use a community car scheme.
  • Community car schemes are run by volunteers and the drivers will take you to hospital and doctor’s appointments and usually wait with you for your appointment. Some community car schemes can also take you to the shops or other destinations.


You can find a list of community transport providers, including community car schemes, on the Staffordshire County Council website.

Dial-a-Ride services and community minibuses

Border Car

A Dial-a-Ride service for anyone without access to a regular bus service or who may need help in using a bus service because of disability or mobility difficulty.  Book up to a month in advance, but no less than 2 hours before you wish to travel. Costs apply.

Covers to and from Market Drayton, or to one of three key interchange points at Baldwins Gate, Ashley and Loggerheads. A map of the full operating area is available via the link above.

Operates: Monday to Friday, 7.00am to 5.00pm.

Contact: 07743 456262

Moorlands Connect

A Dial-a-Ride service for anyone who lives, works or visits in the Moorlands area surrounding the villages of Longnor, Warslow, Ilam, Butterton, Onecote, Waterhouses, Flash, Alton and Oakamoor. Further locations can be viewed on a map on the Moorlands Connect website.

There is no age restriction. The service can accommodate one wheelchair user on each minibus. 

You must book for the service, on the day or up to 28 days in advance, and can catch the bus at your chosen bus stop to your chosen destination. The service can collect from a home address if you are unable to access a bus stop. Costs apply.

Monday to Friday, 7.00am – 7.00pm
Saturdays, 8.00am – 6.00pm
Sundays / Bank Holidays, 8.00am – 6.00pm

Contact: 01335 342951 or download the Moorlands Connect app on to your mobile phone.

Ashbourne Community Transport

Dial-a-Ride services for Alton and surrounding villages. Trips into Ashbourne and Burton and surrounding areas.

Contact: 01335 300670

Newcastle Community Transport Minibus Scheme

A wheelchair-friendly, door-to-door transport service covering Newcastle and the surrounding area including Stoke-on-Trent area of Penkhull. Drivers can help you get to and from minibuses. For shopping, meals out, day centres, churches, social clubs and day trips.

Three 12-seater, wheelchair-accessible minibuses are available.

Contact: 01782 627770 or

Kinver Community Bus

A scheduled community bus service covering Kinver and Enville. Available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.

Contact: 01384 827073

South Staffordshire Local Village Transport

To enable people to take part in and maintain contact with their local community activities, transport is provided to cover Perton, Codsall, Pattingham, Brewood and Coven.

Contact: 01902 742108 or

Moorlands Community Minibus

Three minibuses are available for social trips, days out or travel to a special event. Minibuses are available on a ‘self-drive’ or ‘with volunteer driver’ basis, and for regular or occasional bookings. Covers Calton, Grindon, Cauldon, Cauldon Lowe, Waterhouses, Stanton, Whiston, Oakamoor, Alton, Ipstones, Bradnop and Foxt.

Contact: 01538 386888  

Community Link – Staffordshire & district

Community transport, including a minibus, for individuals and groups who need help to visit the doctor or the shops, or would like to catch up with friends or family. Services are door-to-door and drivers will assist you with bags, boarding and alighting. A small charge and membership fees apply. 

Contact: 01785 252050 or

Tamworth community transport

Run two minibuses, for the local communities, for clubs and outings. Covers Tamworth Borough and surrounding villages, Drayton Bassett, Clifton Campville, Elford, Harlaston and Shuttington.

Contact: 01827 66632 or

Landywood & District Voluntary Help Centre

Two vehicles, including a minibus are adapted to suit people with mobility issues. Book for individual appointments including hospitals or the doctors. The service is expanding to include regular trips to pubs, garden centres, and shopping.

Contact: 01922 418381

South Staffordshire Local Village Transport

To enable people to take part in and maintain contact with activities within their local community. Transport is provided to cover: Perton, Codsall, Pattingham, Brewood and Coven.

Contact: 01902 742108

Travel costs

Community transport costs can vary depending on the service provided. 

Many schemes are run by not-for-profit organisations and only charge based on their actual operating costs. So, the fare you pay will be competitive with public transport costs in most cases. Fares are much cheaper than taxis and there is sometimes a reduced rate for bus pass holders.

Check with the individual provider when booking your trip, or browse their website, to receive an estimate of costs.

Special assistance

Assistance is variable for each service. Information can be found on an operator’s website or by contacting them by telephone.

When booking any community transport in your area, be clear about your mobility requirements and check in advance that the service is able to accommodate your mobility equipment.

Travelling with mobility equipment

Check with the individual community transport scheme, regarding travelling with mobility equipment. Services vary depending on the type and size of equipment that can be carried, due to space.  

Most minibuses are wheelchair accessible, although may have limited capacity for wheelchairs. 

Voluntary car schemes often require passengers to be able to transfer independently. Some can stow foldable wheelchairs and aids.

Any advice or information given by the Hubs Mobility Advice Service is impartial and correct at the time it is provided. However, as operators may change their services or equipment prior to your journey or booking, you are strongly advised to check any details directly with them shortly before you expect to travel.

Contact your local Hub

Get in touch with the East Midlands Hub for personal mobility advice and accessible travel information. Your Hub can help with local, national and international accessible travel advice.